Hanging time for
teenagers in exile

“Tchaï is a school, a family and a home”

– Salima, 17 years old

The project

Tchaï is a educational and psycho-social structure for young people in exile with little education. It is a space-time of respite, experimentation and discovery for these young people who cannot or no longer have access to school.

We offer group workshopsliteracy, of the multidisciplinary activities, of the job discoveries and a individual monitoring. Through these different modes of engagement, we invite the young person to settle down, to rebuild themselves and to gradually find a fulfilling and personal way of integrating into the host society.

The structure meets the school requirement.

For who ?

Tchaï is aimed at young people meeting the following criteria:

Our monitoring continues beyond the age of majority. 
We welcome young people who are already parents with their child(ren).

Our action

young people

At the crossroads of four sectors: pedagogy, mental health, social work and socio-professional integration

Advocacy and

Awareness raising for the recognition of our public and the specificity of their needs in the public sphere

Research - Action

Tchaï is a system that is built on action research. We develop and share our experience with politicians, administrations and partners in the field


It is a word used in several languages of Asia, Europe and Africa to refer to tea with all its cultural variations. Easily pronounceable, Tchaï embodies in many countries, and whatever its taste, a dimension of hospitality, commonness and sharing.

Our young people need you!

By supporting Tchaï, you allow disaffiliated young people to finally find a place and one landmark in the society

Keep in touch

Tchaï is a project in constant evolution.

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